Via the switch GUI you can upgrade the firmware. This article assumes you've downloaded and extracted the firmware zip file.
- Go to the switch GUI URL and login
- Expand System
- Expand File Management
- Select File Download
- By default the File Type chosen is Firmware, leave it as is
- Change the Transfer Mode to HTTP
- Click Browse, choose the .stk firmware file (example: N2000Stdv6.6.0.7.stk), and click Open
- *Choose active* for 'image to download' and click Apply
- Click Active Images in the left navigation and insure that the next active image is the version you've just uploaded
- Expand General, click Reset and Apply - you will receive a warning about the startup config being used - insure you have saved your running configuration prior to restarting.
*Choosing 'active' uploads the firmware so that on the next reboot the image uploaded will be active. If you choose to you can upload the new image as backup and make it active later in the Active Images section mentioned above.